16 Prisoners Were Hanged in Mashhad and Birjand

HRANA News Agency – 16 prisoners with drug related charges were hanged in Mashhad and Birjand during April 16 and 17. Continue reading

Worsening Conditions for Women in Iran Begin to Draw Attention

Rouhani and Other Administration Officials Speak Out against Discrimination
Analysis- Almost two years after his 2013 election, President Hassan Rouhani and his Vice President for Women and Family Affairs, Shahindokht Molaverdi, spoke up against discrimination against women this week, in the face of steadily deteriorating conditions for women in Iran. Continue reading

3 Political Prisoners Taken Back to Public Wards in Rajai Shahr Prison

Saeed Abedini, Mostafa Eskandari and Khaled Hardani were transferred back to Hall 12 of Rajai Shahr prison after 5 days in solitary confinement.

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More Prisoners Scheduled to Be Executed in Karaj

 A number of families of prisoners who have been sentenced to death in Rajai Shahr prison and Qezelhesar


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Prominent Activists Optimistic on End of Ban on Women at Sports Stadiums

Two prominent Iranian human rights defenders have expressed optimism over the recent moves in Iran to amend the laws banning women from sports stadiums, but note that real and permanent changes will require time and sustained citizen support for its realization.

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The UN extends direly needed monitoring of the human rights situation in Iran

By extending the mandate of the United Nations Special Rapporteur on Iran for another year, the Human Rights Council has recognized that serious human rights violations continue to take place in the country, and that international attention on human rights should not be diverted by the ongoing nuclear negotiations.

FIDH has tirelessly called on the Council to keep Iran on its agenda and to continue to monitor, discuss and publicly report on the situation of human rights in the country, irrespective of geopolitical considerations and based on an objective assessment of violations committed.

The extension of the Special Rapporteur’s mandate is especially important given the Iranian authorities’ refusal to address the persistent human rights violations taking place in the country, including the repression of basic freedoms, discrimination against women and ethnic and religious minorities, denial of due process, particularly for the many prisoners of conscience that remain behind bars, and the increasing application of the death penalty in violation of international law and standards for due process. Such violations of human rights in Iran are systemic, widespread, and systematic.

See original page: https://www.fidh.org/International-Federation-for-Human-Rights/asia/iran/the-un-extends-direly-needed-monitoring-of-the-human-rights-situation

A Prisoner Deprived of Medical Treatment in Rajai Shahr Prison

Rostam Bagheri, a prisoner in Rajai Shahr prison in Karaj, who had been chemically injured in the war between Iran and Iraq, has been deprived of his essential medicines in prison.

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Acid Attacker’s Eyes Gouged Out in Iran’s Retribution Ruling

In a literal interpretation of Sharia law’s eye for an eye, a man in Iran, who was convicted of blinding another person in an acid attack, was blinded earlier this month, marking the first time for such a punishment to be carried out in the country. The accused, who remains unidentified, was made unconscious at Rajai Shahr prison in Karaj on March 3, as medics prepared to gouge out his left eye.


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Pro-Hassan Rouhani Iranian editor defects while covering nuclear talks in Lausanne

Amir Hossein Motaghi says he no longer sees any “sense” in his profession as he could only write as he was told



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Obama, Merkel urge Iran to take the final steps

Tuesday’s deadline for a nuclear deal in sight, US President Barack Obama and German Chancellor Angela Merkel have called upon Iran to make the necessary decisions. The two leaders spoke with each other by telephone.

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