Monthly Report – An Overview of the Human Rights Situation in Iran in January – February, 2015


The Department of Statistics and Publications of the Human Rights Activists in Iran has published the following monthly report on the human rights situation in Iran during the period of January – February, 2015 (Persian calendar month of Bahman, 1393). This report cannot perfectly and comprehensively reflect the details of human rights concerns in Iran for obvious reasons including the existing governmental limitations and ban on the free exchange of information. It should be emphasized that in addition to the monthly reports, the Department of Statistics and Publications of the Human Rights Activists Association of Iran publishes a comprehensive and analytical annual report at the end of each year.

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Father of Imprisoned Blogger Pleads for His Ill Son’s Release

Dozens Remain Behind Bars Since Disputed 2009 Election.The father of blogger Hossein Ronaghi Maleki, who, prior to a six-month medical furlough granted for severe illness had been imprisoned since 2009 for his peaceful activities following the disputed 2009 presidential election in Iran, is appealing for an end to his son’s incarceration after the blogger was returned to prison.hossein21

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Suspects Identified, but No Action Taken in Attack against Critic of House Arrests

Despite the fact that several suspects have been identified in the recent attack on Member of Parliament Ali Motahari, who was the Iranian Parliament’s most outspoken critic of the continued house arrest of the Green Movement leaders, no arrests have been made so far, according to official statements.

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Europe stepping up its game on Iran

A decisive stage in the nuclear talks is approaching, as world powers aim to reach a political agreement with Iran this month. Europeans have cautiously but noticeably stepped up their game to safeguard the negotiations and, ultimately, their future relations with Iran. German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier and European Union High Representative Federica Mogherini have been leading the European initiative. These two are also likely to be the best placed to steer a much-needed reformulation of European foreign policy on Iran.

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[DATAVIZ] Syria: ISIS’s beheadings must not make us forget the crimes of the regime

This set of five graphics compile information gathered by FIDH partner organisation in Syria, the Violations Documentation Center (VDC). VDC has been recording death, detentions, and disappearances since March 2011, when the first protests took place in the city of Deraa. Working with a network of activists on the ground inside Syria, as well as outside the country, VDC has documented 130,035 deaths and 60,424 cases of detainment and kidnapping resulting from the conflict. While the statistics provided by VDC are reliable, their figures are by no means complete. The latest UN report estimates the total death toll to be at least 220,000. 

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Iran: Illegal execution of juvenile offender

FIDH (a founding member of the World Coalition Against the Death Penalty) and its Iranian member organisations, the League for the Defence of Human Rights in Iran (LDDHI) and the Defenders of Human Rights Center (DHRC) strongly condemn the illegal execution of juvenile offender Saman Naseem that reportedly took place yesterday morning in Iran.

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Beijing +20: Broken promises, women’s rights under threat across the globe

Paris, 6 mars 2015 – As states meet in New York to evaluate commitments made 20 years ago in Beijing, women’s rights are under serious threat across the globe, FIDH said in a note released today.
When governments gathered in Beijing in 1995, they signed up to a road map to eliminate discrimination against women in law and practice. In 2015, it is evident that the political will necessary to translate commitment into reform has fallen woefully short. Not only has progress been slow and halting but in some countries women’s rights have undergone serious setbacks. Continue reading

Announcement 580

world celebrates Women’s Day,BUT…


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Situation of human rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran

Report of the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human
rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran

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15th February is International Childhood Cancer Day


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