Iran: As EU officials visit Tehran, juvenile offenders are facing execution

FIDH and its Iranian member organisations Defenders of Human Rights Centre (DHRC) and the League for the Defence of Human Rights in Iran (LDDHI) denounce the fact that European diplomats flocking to Iran, including German Vice-Chancellor Sigmar Gabriel, EU High Representative Federica Mogherini, and French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius, have chosen to ignore human rights, including the ongoing and imminent illegal execution of several juvenile offenders.

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Iran’s State Media Launches Yet Another Attack on U.N. Special Rapporteur

Ever desperate to discredit the work and person of UN Special Rapporteur for human rights in Iran Ahmed Shaheed, news agencies in Iran run by the Judiciary have made a new round of allegations against the UN official that have been completely unsubstantiated by any independent source.

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Iran: Absence of human rights from the negotiating table is a political mistake

In light of the expected nuclear deal between the P5+1 and Iran, FIDH remains deeply troubled that the negotiations have failed to include any mention of human rights.

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Parliamentary Bills Further Threaten Autonomy of Legal Profession in Iran

In an escalating war of words that reflects the long-running conflict between the Judiciary and lawyers over the legal profession’s independence in Iran, the Iranian Bar Association Union’s president, Bahman Keshavarz, reiterated in an interview with the official ISNA news service on June 21 that the Union does not operate under the auspices of the Judiciary and that it is a private institution.

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The Observatory strongly condemns ongoing judicial harassment of Ms. Nargess Mohammadi

The Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders, a joint programme of the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) and the World Organisation Against Torture (OMCT), expresses its grave concerns regarding the pressures exerted on the arbitrarily imprisoned human rights defender Ms. Nargess Mohammadi in Iran.

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Citizens Angry the Government Backs Away from Supporting Women’s Attendance at Sport Stadiums

Rouhani’s Vice President for Women’s and Family Affairs, Shahindokht Molaverdi, has come under increasingly direct criticism by Iranian citizens after her flip-flops—and now backing away—from her earlier support for women’s attendance at sports events in Iran.

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Increase in arrests highlights continuing persecution of Baha is in Iran

GENEVA — The arrest last week of five Baha’is in Tehran signals a rising tide of detainments and imprisonments of Baha’is in Iran in recent months. Continue reading

Atena Daemi Transferred to Hospital

Atena Daemi, civil rights activist, has been transferred to hospital because of her critical health condition.


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No Official Reason Given for Former Professor and Activist’s Arrest

The family of former chemistry professor and activist Mohammad Hossein Rafiee, 71, has not been given an official explanation for why he was arrested and imprisoned nearly two weeks ago.

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Activist Appeals Six-Year Prison Sentence for Her Membership in Peaceful Political Group

Civil and political activist Minoo Mortazi Langroudi has launched an appeal against the six-year prison sentence she received for her peaceful activism. Ms. Langroudi was convicted on charges of disturbing national security and propaganda against the state, based on her activities with a peaceful group that is critical of government policies.

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