Does even elected “by the people” take place in Iran?

Due to heavy supervision and the full scope of the Guardian Council,

As the elected representatives or members of the ruling class or proven their loyalty,

Since the election in Iran is like a stage public demonstrations,

Since the elections, power, popularity and legitimacy of its organizers,

According to the Guardian Council confirmed candidates to choose from and people. Continue reading

Contrary to the promises of the Iranian Volleyball Federation and FIVB

Kish prevented from entering the female audience to watch beach volleyball!

MR Davarzani, President of the Volleyball Federation of Iran has already implicitly to women’s entry to the game’s audience and said: “Given that Iran’s Kish is considered a tourist island, most of the teams and guests attended with their families on the island will. Continue reading

Article 15 of the constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran:

Persian is the official and common language and script of the people of Iran. The documents, correspondence, official texts, and schoolbooks must all be in this language and script. However, use of regional and ethnic languages in the press, the mass media, and the teaching of their literature at schools, alongside the Persian language, is freely permitted. Continue reading

Believers in circumcision mutilated women for:

Guarantee the purity of women, ensuring the health of mother and child born, to remove bad odors and completing growth and, more importantly, control or reduction of female libido. Continue reading

Cherished wind-shelter 4 February World Cancer

Doctor Hussein Akhani environmental experts and a professor at Tehran University Biology: Cancer is not just one disease, many researchers acknowledge that our lifestyle, excessive chemical contamination of air, soil, water, food and stress of urban life are the most important factors that context it provides for cancerous cells. Continue reading

Council of Experts, all-male parliament to elect a leader of their sex.

There were no women among the candidates approved names.

However, in the constitution of the Islamic of Iran, there is no prohibition for women in the (Assembly of Experts of the Leadership). Through one course of Council of Experts and four courses of Islamic Consultative Assembly there was only one seat in the Assembly of Experts leadership Munira Ali who also known as Munira Georgy. Nevertheless, in the first Assembly of Experts, which known to experts in the constitution, summary no woman entered to the Assembly of Experts leadership can have the task to monitor the performance of leader of the Islamic Republic. Continue reading

Whip of poverty on children’s body and Iranian students

The case of abduction and extortion in the first of 2016 were 12 child

  • The complexity of the investigation into the murder of 6-year-old boy: News 01/01/2016
  • Rescue of abducted children: Children’s Media News 01/01/2016
  • In street mugging attack Pregnant woman infants death: an analytical News 01/11/2016
  • 9-month-old baby abduction story ended with the arrest of the kidnapper: News 11/01/2016
  • 5 years old child escape from the kidnappers: Highlights 01/12/2016
  • Details of 8-year-old child hostage: an analytical News 01/20/2016
  • The abduction of eight-year-old girl by a male transvestite Cup News 20/01/2016
  • Eight-year-old boy released from kidnappers : Police News 01/21/2016
  • Talks with the 19-year-old leader of the kidnapping gang in Tehran newsroom 24 01.21.2016
  • Hospital acting strangely after an afghan woman gave birth: 01/21/2016 News Cup baby hostage for 27 days because of inability to pay the cost of delivery
  • Heaviness of kidnapper, teenage girl got away !: News 27/01/2016
  • Afghan man sells his daughter for 16 million! 01/28/2016

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Every promise given to us was wind in the air, Every point made was wrong and hypocrite.

Power without criticism and supervision is corruptible;

From the promises which Hassan Rouhani has emphasized

Criticism for four months of media; Continue reading

Repression and arrests of journalists prelude to elections in Iran

More than ten days after the arrest “Farzad Pourmoradi” by security forces there has been no contact or reason for this inhumane practice. Continue reading

The irresponsibility of the government towards human rights = increase of suicides in Iran

Unfortunately, suicide in Iran is still increasing and statistics in this area are very worrying. In addition, Suicides have resulted in deaths 4055 people in 2014, and the statistics show that:

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