Iranian Ethnics and Nations Rights Violation Statistical Report-Ordibehesht 1403

Row Subject Farvardin Ordibehesht
1 General News 109 91
2 Detentions 88 73
3 Summoning 38 14
4 Issued Decrees, Deposit and Issuing the Bail 30 34
5 Aggressive Behavior, Death of Prisoner, Hunger Strike, Prevention of Treatment and Leave, Transfer, … 49 42
6 Murdered or Injured Shoulder-Carriers and Fuel-Carriers 70 29
7 Shooting at the People 65 33
8 Hidden Cases of Violation against Human Rights 12 22
Total 461 338

The above statistics have been collected from the Islamic Republic of Iran Government internal and external media reports and practically unable to exceed 30 % of the society realities.

Compiler: Reza Shaighan

Defense of Human Rights Association in Iran

The Defense of Iranian Ethnics and Nations Rights Committee


Translated by Irandokht Kia