Review of Article 15 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and its coonstitution of the Islamparison with the cmic Republic of Iran

Do you know: there are 30 human rights laws? These are your most basic human rights and belong to you.
Article 15 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states that every human being deserves to be a national.
Citizenship or nationality refers to the kind of political and legal relationship between a person and a certain state that a person will enjoy from the continuous and unconditional support of his or her government.

The significance of this article is that, until the first half of the twentieth century, the extent of its violation and neglect has been so wide-ranging that it has taken such a remarkable interest.
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights recognizes this right, as well as other human rights that are relevant to the individual’s personal and personal domains, and today individuals can simultaneously have the citizenship or citizenship of two or more countries.
However, under the laws of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Articles 976 to 991 of the Civil Code and Articles 41 and 42 of the Constitution refer to the conditions of nationality in Iran.
According to these rules, the soil and blood are considered for determining the citizenship of individuals. But with further examination of these issues, we will encounter some drawbacks in their practical application
In Iran blood level is considered only because of the blood relationship between the father and the child, and for the mother does not attach any importance to the blood relationship, which makes the child born to an Iranian mother and father to wait for 18 years to become a citizen of Iran, but A foreigner will be subjected to Iranian citizenship only for 5 years in Iran and other conditions in Iran, and this discrimination between people is a sign of a flagrant violation of human rights in Iran.