Followers of Religions Rights Violation Statistical Report-Dey 1402

Followers of Religions Rights Violation Statistical Report in Dey 1402
Religions Rights Violation Sunnis Baha`is Christians Other Religions
Summon and Interrogation 4 14 9 1
Deprivation of Accused and Prisoner Rights 20 30 10 16
Persecution and Deprivation of Citizenship Rights 15 1 10 16
Prevention of Holding the Ritual Rites
Imprisonment 15 31 22 15
Freedom and the Leave of Prisoner 2 6 0 0
Properties Confiscation and House Inspection 17 9
Total 41 99 60 48

The above statistics have been collected from the Islamic Republic of Iran Government internal and external media reports and practically unable to exceed 30 % of the society realities.

Report Compilers: Ali Foroutan, Saeid Beheshti Matin, Sadra Mojib Yazdani

Chart: Karim Naseri


Translated by Alireza Jahan Bin