The Young and Student Rights Violation Statistical Report-Farvardin 1402

Row Subject Title Esfand Farvardin
2 General News Universities News 18 0
3 News of Universities Detention 3 0
4 Issued Decrees 0 1
6 Prison and Prisoner 1 0
7 Deprivation of Education 3 27
8 News of Youngsters Youngsters News 0 11
9 Summon and Interrogation 2 1
10 Youngsters Issued Decrees 9 6
11 Prison and Prisoner 12 4
12 Detainees of 1401 Nationwide Protests 15 36
13 Losses of 1401 Nationwide Protests 1 0
14 Shooting at the People 1 5
Total 65 91

The above statistics have been collected from the Islamic Republic of Iran Government internal and external media reports and practically unable to exceed 30 % of the society realities.

Compilers: Pouriya Talebzadeh, Siavash Norouzi, Ehsan Ahmadi Khah

Defense of Human Rights Association in Iran

The Defense of Young and Students Committee


Translated by Alireza Jahan Bin