According to child rights violations in bahman 1395
According to child rights violations in bahman 1395
Farhad Nasiri
1. Lack of safety and fire at a school in the province. Human Rights Activists News Agency quoted Tasnim, Fazlullah Rashidi to fire one of the rural schools of Khorramabad pointed and said “oil heater elementary school” Wooden Esmatollah “located in the village of Galal city of Khorramabad this morning to the school fire “.hrana Persian date Bahman 20
2. Syfabad of a fire in the village school. Education director-general of the province of the fire in Asadabad city Syfabad village school and said that this class of heaters Oil heaters have been carburetor. Fortunately the incident did not have a fatality. HRA Persian date Bahman 20
3. 16-year-old girl in the school’s self-immolation after getting a score of zero. 16-year-old girl when he was in one of the lessons zero, in front of his school in Tehran self-immolation and died after being transported to the hospital. News Persian date Bahman 20
4. Two children drowned in the waters of the recent floods in southeastern Sistan va Baluchistan. City Council President Zarabad said two young children in flood water caused by recent rains drowned in the village Bndyny Zarabad District town of Konarak. Journalist مهر in Persian date Bahman 20
5. The need to improve the structures glance to the frail and disabled children. Director of Exceptional Education said: structural alterations to look at disabled children, disabled, autism and other people with similar conditions is essential. Journalist مهر in Persian date Bahman 20
6. Place a phone call children of Education Reform / Jdanmyshvnd murder defendants. Correction and Rehabilitation Center said the children kept at the center on the basis of a childish attempt to murder and unpredictable and have no reason to separate them from other children. Journalist مهر in Persian date Bahman 20
7. Malnutrition among rural children of Ardabil / cover three thousand children with hot meals. Welfare Director General of Ardabil province said some studies show that malnutrition among rural children is evident in the province .. journalist مهر in Persian date Bahman 20
8. Again, a school heater caught fire. After Shynabad accident in 91 years, this winter the problem was glaring than ever. In cases in several cities and even in Tehran province schools provide heat has encountered a problem and students were present in the classroom with blankets. News Persian date Bahman 20
9. Prohibited discrimination between children! Highlights Persian date Bahman 20
10. Check the status of children without identity in Tehran governor. Meeting the status of children without identity (ID), chaired by the Director General of the Office of Social and Cultural Affairs Tehran’s governor and members of the Working Group held social ills. News Persian date Bahman 20
11. Decayed teeth 12-year-old children is on the rise. Member of the Iranian Academy of Restorative Dentistry, said: Unfortunately the target group of dental caries in children are 12 years old, continues to rise. Tuesday 22 February
12. Child and Family launched a residential center in Qazvin. Deputy Social Welfare Qazvin Province Qazvin announced the launch of residence of the child and family. Tasnim 22. Feb
13. Login education students to the issue of self-mutilation. According to ILNA Ali Zarafshan, Deputy Education Ministry of Education about social hazards in schools as well as self-mutilation phenomenon remarked on different aspects of this phenomenon requires a comprehensive analysis to see where it is the root of this behavior and the training and What can education do in this regard? Bright 17 Bahman
14. Bdsrprst in the custody of the child’s legal problems. HRANA former head of the State Welfare Organization, said child custody Bdsrprst with the dilemma of how to face and see if after some time the original families that no law can stop them. Tuesday 17 Bahman
15. Initiation of children gathered in Tehran beggars. HRANA Tehran governor said that the “gathering” of children beggars in Tehran began Saturday and continued for 10 days. HRANA Persian date Bahman 23
16. High Commissioner for Human Rights expressed concern about the possibility of execution of a child offender in Iran. A spokesman for the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights welcomed the postponement of the execution of child offenders Hamid Ahmadi Iran as well as discounts on the execution of child offenders, six more than the possible execution of Mr. Ahmad expressed concern. HRA Persian date Bahman 23
17. Accounting children in the study was necessary. -Ryys City council arranged with criticism of child labor in present study related to the Special Welfare Department officials wanted to eradicate this social problem are working on. Mehr News Agency Persian date Bahman 23
18. Dive pencil in the student Roudbari / serial corporal punishment continues. Bitter story of corporal punishment continues, and this time primary school students in Kerman during Roudbari pencil punish students should be in the hands of a student in her head sank. Mehr News Agency Persian date Bahman 24
19. Telegram charity work for children. Compassionate hands “public charity that aims to help children from their launch two years ago. Mehr News Agency Persian date Bahman 24
20. Punish students leads to retaliatory behavior. Seyyed Mohsen Ayubi in an interview with ISNA, said: Because of the encouraging through verbal and nonverbal behaviors of the largest, most influential and enduring effects on behavior are students, while when students are punished, not only to no one but we do not call her basic needs, safety and disrupt the balance of his life and he is faced with an unpleasant experience that we always escape, albeit temporarily behavior we have to control it. News Persian date Bahman 24
21. Dawn, the narrator suffering Baluchi girl children Byshnasnamh on canvas painting. Subject Byshnasnamhbvdn Systanvblvchstan large group of people is not new. As documents and reports that from 1374 to date, more than 14 thousand records without a birth certificate Systanvblvchstan Security Council, have been decided. Online news 25 February
22. Child labor in this province is not mafia. Deputy Social Welfare Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari said that fortunately in this province with mafia groups as child labor and child abuse do not face. Wednesday 25 February
23. Child killed in flooding arranged. The children, Afghan nationals front of the terminal Shhrjhrm of his arms fell into the water channel due to severe floods died. Tasnim 26 February
24. Sixteen-year-old child bride forced marriage bitter fate. Sixteen-year-old teenager and a young woman forced by her father, the child bride tells about the fate Mvadfrvsh fourth woman was wealthy but that was just Hrskhty 5 years and finally I got my divorce. But because he acted contrary to the desire I had my way home and took refuge wandered into the man that I learned later is a criminal prosecution. HRA Bahman 27
25. Four children working in Tehran were severed finger. Sixteen-year-old worker in Tehran four fingers due to lack of safety when working with industrial Chrkhgvsht was cut off. HRA Bahman 27
26. A brief report of Damghan prison, three executions, including a child-offenders. We report the status of the prison to investigate, establish the identity of three prisoners on death row, including a child-offenders (who was in the time of the crime is under 18 years of age) is referred to. HRA Bahman 27
27. Eighteen student distribution of drinking milk at school, were poisoned. Chadegan Health Network Environmental Health administrators in the province of poisoning 18 female high school student movement as a result of the city’s drinking pasteurized milk. HRA Bahman 27
28. Poverty, deprivation and children without birth certificates on the sidelines of Kerman. Phase III Industrial Park and the village of glass (fourteen) in the southern city of Kerman, neighborhoods where the streets are full of mud splattered in winter and in summer, the smell of garbage that health if there are no meaning. HRA 28th Bahman
29. Toyserkani school student was electrocuted and died. Tuyserkan Mohammedia School of Electrical Engineering student days in the workshop lesson in class when the teacher is present, an electric shock and be taken to a hospital, the students of today, about 24 hours after coma had lost their lives due to the effects of electric shock Dad.hrana 28th Bahman
30. Khuzestan province has the highest rate of dropouts among the four countries. Director of social pathologies Ministry of Cooperatives, Labour and Social Welfare said Khuzestan province has the highest rate of survival among the four of education in the country. Reporter October 28th Bahman
31. Alarm birth / disabled impose costs on the health system. Representatives of the people in the home nation, the President noted that welfare statistics based on daily birth of 80 children with disabilities in the country, can alarm for the health system as Shvd.khbrngar مهر 28th Bahman
32. 3 young children died in the mood to bite. Gas leak caused by carelessness and three children of a family child bite in self-Abad city were experiencing nature. The children lost their lives because of the bite. Tuesday 28th Bahman
33. 13% of users are students. Branch office in charge of the political governor said if the 80, 30 had thousands of students who have used the drug once, in 90 years this figure reached 45 thousand Ast.khbrgzary مهر 28th Bahman
34. How do we deal with children? According to the ILO, 250 million children 5 to 14 years the world’s annual forcibly separated from their childish world and into the labor market. Businesses that have no analog in their spirit and sometimes offer nothing but bitterness and darkness had brought. Young reporters 29 Bahman
35. 11 persons raped the child makes his death. One child was taken by force to the unfinished building and raped by 11 others. Examination and forensic experts with specialized tests gang rape victim’s cause of death was announced. HRA 30th of Bahman
36. Waiting for death, the fate of 15-year-old child bride. 27-year-old young woman Sistan and Baluchestan, who at age 15 is married and has six children, Mashhad on charges of possession and transportation of drugs in prison awaiting execution. HRA 30th of Bahman
List influential sources
Family :
1. Prohibited discrimination between children! Highlights Persian date Bahman 20
2. Decayed teeth 12-year-old children is on the rise. Tuesday 22 February
3. Bdsrprst in the custody of the child’s legal problems. Tuesday 17 Bahman
4. Sixteen-year-old child bride forced marriage bitter fate. HRA Bahman 27
Irresponsible government:
1. Lack of safety and fire at a school in the province. HRA Persian date Bahman 20
2. Syfabad of a fire in the village school. HRA Persian date Bahman 20
3. Place a phone call children of Education Reform / Jdanmyshvnd murder defendants. Journalist مهر in Persian date Bahman 20
4. Again, a school heater caught fire. News Persian date Bahman 20
5. High Commissioner for Human Rights expressed concern about the possibility of execution of a child offender in Iran. HRA Persian date Bahman 23
6. Dawn, the narrator suffering Baluchi girl children Byshnasnamh on canvas painting. Online news 25 February
7. Child killed in flooding arranged. Tasnim 26 February
8. Four children working in Tehran were severed finger. HRA Bahman 27
9. A brief report of Damghan prison, three executions, including a child-offenders. HRA Bahman 27
10. Eighteen students of drinking milk distributed in schools, poisoned Shdnd.hrana Bahman 27
11. Poverty, deprivation and children without birth certificates on the sidelines of Kerman. HRA 28th Bahman
12. Toyserkani school student was electrocuted and died. HRA 28th Bahman
13. Khuzestan province has the highest rate of dropouts among the four countries. Reporter October 28th Bahman
14. Alarm birth / disabled impose costs on the health system. Reporter October 28th Bahman
15. 3 young children died in the mood to bite. Tuesday 28th Bahman
16. 13% of users are students. Tuesday 28th Bahman
17. Waiting for death, the fate of 15-year-old child bride. HRA 30th of Bahman
Social harm :
1. 16-year-old girl in the school’s self-immolation after getting a score of zero. News Persian date Bahman 20
2. The need to improve the structures glance to the frail and disabled children. Journalist مهر in Persian date Bahman 20
3. Punish students leads to retaliatory behavior. News Persian date Bahman 24
child abuse :
1. Dive pencil in the student Roudbari / serial corporal punishment continues. Mehr News Agency Persian date Bahman 24
Working Children :
1. Initiation of children gathered in Tehran beggars. HRANA Persian date Bahman 23
2. Accounting children in the study was necessary. Mehr News Agency Persian date Bahman 23
3. Telegram charity work for children. Mehr News Agency Persian date Bahman 24
4. Child labor in this province is not mafia. Wednesday 25 February
5. How do we deal with children? Young reporters 29 Bahman
6. 11 persons raped the child makes his death. HRA 30th of Bahman
1. Two children drowned in the waters of the recent floods in southeastern Sistan va Baluchistan. Journalist مهر in Persian date Bahman 20
2. Malnutrition among rural children of Ardabil / cover three thousand children with hot meals. Journalist مهر in Persian date Bahman 20
3. Check the status of children without identity in Tehran governor. News Persian date Bahman 20
4. Child and Family launched a residential center in Qazvin. Tasnim 22. Feb
5. Login education students to the issue of self-mutilation. Bright 17 Bahman