Article 25 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and its comparison with the constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran

What do you know about the Universal Declaration of Human Rights?
Do you know about the 30 articles in this statement?
Do you know that these matters are your inherent rights?

Article 25 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states:
Every human being deserves a living with acceptable standards for the health and well-being of himself and his family, including food, clothing, housing, medical care and social services.
He also has the right to benefit from social security at any time when he is unemployed, sick, defective, old-fashioned, and lack of livelihood resources.
Mothers and children have the right to take special care and help. Children are born, whether born or married, have the right to enjoy all kinds of social protection.
The 1966 Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights also provides for the provisions of Article 9. 10 11 12 refers to these rights.
Article 9
Every person recognizes the right to social security, including social insurance.
Article 10
2. Mothers must receive special protection during a reasonable period before and after childbirth. During that period, working mothers should be entitled to adequate leave entitlement or leave with adequate social security benefits.
3. Special protection and assistance measures in the interest of all non-paternal children and auditors (15) must be taken without any discrimination due to family or other causes. Inhuman and degraded children should be protected against economic and social exploitation.
Article 11
1. The Parties to this Covenant recognize the right of everyone to have adequate living standards for themselves and their families, including adequate clothing and housing, as well as the continuous improvement of living conditions.
Article 12
1. The States Parties to this Covenant recognize the right of everyone to the best of their physical and mental health in the future.
In article 3 of article 12 of the constitution
The correct and fair economic deployment according to Islamic norms. And to eliminate poverty and eliminate any kind of deprivation in the areas of nutrition – housing – health and general insurance.
In the twentieth principle of the Constitution it is stated that:
All people of the same nation, including men and women, are equally protected by law. And enjoy all human, political, economic, social and cultural rights in accordance with the standards of Islam.
Article 21 of the Constitution: The government is required to provide women with the rights in the areas mentioned in this principle.
Creating favorable conditions for the growth of woman’s personality and restoring her material and spiritual rights
Mothers’ protection, especially during pregnancy and child custody, and support for unmarried children
Establishing a competent court to protect the family and survive
Establishing specific insurance for widows and elderly and unmarried women
Granting the guardianship of the children to decent mothers to envy them if they are not religious.
And in essence, Article 29 of the Constitution: implies social security. In terms of retirement, unemployment, aging, disability, unemployment, inability to stay, accidents and the need for health services and medical care in the form of insurance and so on.
But despite these principles in the constitution, many of which will be subject to Islamic law or law.
There are no children in the country, and children, young people, women, and men all live outside of these rights.
There are many limitations for women in society today. Rules written in execution can not. Abusive women – unmarried women – widowed and elderly women – mothers and custody of children – women sleeping and addicted carders who are forced to sell their children because of poverty and many problems.
Abusive and helpless children are at the brink of disadvantages in the community.
Especially children who are not officially married, who are not citizens and who are still without a future
Empowered people and the elderly do not have a fair share of their citizenship rights.
The government, in accordance with article 43 of the Constitution, states:
In order to secure the economic independence of society and eradicate poverty and deprivation and meet human needs in the process of growth, it is striving to maintain its freedom. The economy of the Islamic Republic of Iran is based on the following criteria: Providing basic needs: housing, food, clothing, health, treatment, education, and facilities for building families for everyone.
Unfortunately, in present-day Iran, the behavior is contrary to article 25 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, approved in 1966, which the Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran has accepted and signed. Poverty, lack of social welfare and, most importantly, lack of health, due to the lack of attention to the healthy environment, lack of medicine and medical facilities, all due to lack of social services.