Review of Article 17 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and its coonstitution of the Islamparison with the cmic Republic of Iran

Do you know: Article 30 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights? And they are your most basic human rights and belong to you.
Article 17 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights recognizes the right to property as a monopoly or collective right for every human being, and emphasizes that one can not deprive a person of this right.

Ownership is the property in which the objects are linked to individuals and recognized in the light of this relationship of ownership.
From birth, man has inherent and inalienable rights, the first and most fundamental of which is the right to life, in other words, the right to own a property. Without such ownership and domination, the existence of man will be entangled in a kind of slavery. While the result is from the human dignity as an independent and free entity. Human freedom is defined by its ownership and domination of its own life and property. The reason is that human life and property are raised together in the same way that the right to own property is in fact the continuation of the right to own a property. And the violation is equally dissuasive.

However, Article 31 of the Iranian Civil Code stipulates that nobody can expel financially from its owner unless otherwise provided by law
Article 47 of the Constitution also emphasizes that: personal property is legitimately respected
In this regard, it should be said that the Islamic law is considered in Iranian law and it is the first to be in the hands of God and then his rightful ruler in the possession of the lives and property of human beings, and the government of the Islamic Republic of Iran, for the purpose of this purpose, is laying down rules such as paying khums and zakat On the individual property of humans dominates and in general, in Iran, expropriation does not govern a single law, and in this respect, there is no harmony between the rules of expropriation and the authorities of the matter and its formalities at times.