Review of Article 10 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and its comparison with the constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran

Do you know: there are 30 human rights laws? These are your most basic human rights and belong to you.
Article 10 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights considers the right to an independent and just court to be one of the fundamental rights of human beings.
The court must be general in order to ensure that the court’s fairness is guaranteed, and if the judge decides to make the whole or part of the court unfocussed, then there must be acceptable reasons, such as maintaining the community order, or national security, or underlying ethics.

In Principles 34.35, 36 of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran, it has defended this right as fully as possible, and in this case we are not faced with any specific legislative vacuum. But in some cases, what we witness is that the fair trial in the Islamic Republic is questionable.