Review of Article 2 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and its comparison with the constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran

Do you know: Article 30 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights? And they are your most basic human rights and belong to you, and you do not need to be allowed to have these rights.
Emphasizing the provisions of this Declaration by us, for the sole reason of the awareness of individuals, of the recognition of their human rights in the community, whose rulers, based on the lack of awareness of the people, introduce the fundamental laws of the country without any contradiction and flaw .
Article 2 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights emphasizes beautifully that every human being at any social level deserves all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration. The basis of Article 2 is based on this principle, no event causes a person to be deprived of the principles set forth in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

In this declaration, man is a person who is a member of the “human family,” so there will be no difference between the western and the eastern, the black and the white, the unfaithful, the religious, and so on.
But is this article enforced in the Islamic Republic of Iran?
No Because in the Iranian government we are witnessing repeated violations of the rules of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and related conventions.
The lack of equal rights between men and women
Trampling the rights of followers of other religions and their inequality is Shiite 12 Imami
Heavy punishments for homosexuals
Execution, torture … And many cases that violate Article 30 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.